Monday, March 30, 2020

Dehradun @Covid-19: The Challenging peaceful quarantine

I'm like, liking Dehradun, in fact it's quite brilliant.

It's quite peaceful here. You can have breakfast and take calls with mighty mountains overseeing you. Away from the hustle bustle of the city life. 

With Krishu showing his colors, and being extremely receptive to our inputs, we are experiencing how the potters would give shape and mould their pots.

Grand parent love and care can reach amazing heights. But age and time passing by is the only constant.

I have an isolated room here for exercising my adventures in business. And oh it's been a while I've been so busy and challenged to the core by the testing tough times! But all this, for all the right reasons i.e. rediscovering, reviving and contributing towards the survival and growth of Bigphi ( and the Bigphi family. We are doing our bit by providing solutions to deal with the pandemic by offering of covid essentials (masks/PPE/sanitizers/covid monitoring system). The good thing is that we are building on the strong foundation and expertise we have in nanotechnology, textiles, Embedded systems, logistics, software systems and supply chain to contribute whatever we can towards solving parts of the covid-19 puzzle. 

There's good weather, rain, bright sunshine, peace, birds chirping, sometimes Soni also chirps, in different directions. With the vehicles gone as a result of lockdown, the birds (including parrots, sparrows and mynahs) are all back with us. 

It's good, in fact it's brilliant!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Religion, science, mother nature and Corona virus covid 19

True religion = Science and mother nature. 

As an example, a trip to Nanda Devi national park is solemn to me because of nature, and not the religious, man-made so called wonders. The path filled with muck(mules primarily) as a result of the mass religious pilgrimage is deplorable. 

And as a result of this mindset the world calls you a modern world atheist!

Incidentally, historically the most ancient religions were based on nature gods/deities (mostly indicating the basic natural elements - sun, moon, water, earth, fire, rain, plants, animals) but they were superseded by witty, wise humans who were good at articulation(many via well written myth-ology) and oratory skills. 

To ensure their legacy + a sense of fear prevails(which leads to mind space control of the weak minds or weak situations that we all get in), they come up with a list of rules (many good ones, so abstract that it is open to all kinds of subjective interpretation). 
Put up all these rules in some scriptures(branding it Holy) and get distribution channels set up for the  brand (religion). 

The amazing thing about these modern day religions(brands) is that almost two millennial old rules are supposed to be valid even today. That's brilliant. Owing to the abstract construct of the rules there are logical interpretations that can be done in today's age, but I'm not sure if things would scale up for the old religions in modern world. 

The most intellectually strategic thing that the top religions did was to brand the nature based religions as archaic, derogatory Pagans. 

Science and art developed like crazy, many a times inspired by nature. But with the immense, never ending greed of human kind we messed up our mother nature so much so, that the so called science and technology progress is now a threat to human kind by:
  • Depleting forest cover
    • Amazon forest fires, really sad
    • Rampant blatant population expansion requires more land space, for so - called development. And urbanization. 
    • We want to go to Mars and space by super controlling ignition of the space ships, but can't control Australian fires which eradicated flora and fauna like crazy. Are you hearing this @ElonMusk. Fix mother earth first. Tesla is good, hyperloop is good. Build a company for improving tree cover or to become carbon negative as a world not just the big brother countries  imposing the responsibility on to developing countries, ensuring Rich gets richer, poor gets poorer. 
  • Investing shit loads in warfare and living in a sense of Fear of war
    1. Nuclear
    2. Biological weapons
    3. Chemical 
    4. And more innovative scientific means to war. 
  • Maritime ecosystems are messed up. 
    • Global warming
    • Fishing like crazy (trawling) 
    • Plastic
  • Ozone layer?
  • Plastic
    • We love plastic so much so that we want a new one every new trip we go to 
    • It's almost considered pristine. 
    • Fruits covered with plastic films are good, and pristine, ironically. And if we heat plastic we know how amazingly pristine the world looks. Anyone heard of micro plastics? 
    • Well, we've amazingly choked and messed up so many other animals as a result of excessively human-e? (pun intended) use of plastic
  • Human (e) Population
  • 3G ->4G -> unleash hell G, By killing the mynahs and sparrows we used to see in our childhood. By killing the bees which would've helped in pollination. 

Now nature is cruelly pushing we human beings to pay back and restore balance. Today the crony capitalist, stuck up in winning elections are messing up their countries. Unfortunately, the Might of mother nature was taken way too lightly. The world's largest economy, democracy and largest manufacturing countries were busy doing their thing(winning elections, making profits by hook or crook, preaching illogical stuff), when mother nature comes up with a new mutation(different RNA sequence) in a non living virus which will go inside your lungs(via air and contact) and change the way the world is forever. 

Hoping we human beings utilize our brain and science to help sustain life and peace on mother earth, by being at peace with mother nature. 🙏